Saturday, March 10, 2007

Do as I say,.. Not as I do.....

By this point in the Anti-War movement there is no one `politically aware` who is ignorant of the primary motivating force for driving the US into the Iraq war.

The really amazing, frightening fact, is how scared virtually everyone is to point it out, and combat this effective, subversive and cohesive lobbying entity.

While Tina Richards is blindsiding one of the most determined opponents of this cabal lobby, and trying to humiliate him with Internet video, for her own self-aggrandizement, she cowers from attacking the real cause of this war.

PNAC, PNAC`S parent organization AEI, , SHOULD all at this point be household names, and virtually all shut down as well. That is not the case at all.

AIPAC for instance not only continues its work to influence OUR american congress, and our foriegn policy, to fund and fight for the Likud party agenda in the middle east, at this moment trying to drive the US into a military attack on Iran, but it does so unhindered by any of the normal rules that apply to every other lobby for every other foreign nation. It is alone exempted from registering as a foreign lobby, in spite of its direct coordination with the Israeli Likud party.

There are VERY FEW members of congress who have publicly DARED to oppose AIPAC and walk away from it unscathed. One of them is a Congressman by the name of David Obey -

``AIPAC also has critics, including former United States Representative Paul Findley, United States Representative Dave Obey, former United States Representative Cynthia McKinney and journalist Alexander Cockburn of CounterPunch. Cockburn and McKinney claim that AIPAC was instrumental in helping to defeat Congressional candidates that AIPAC deemed unfriendly to Israel, former Representative McKinney of Georgia (after her first term as a Representative) and former Representative Earl F. Hilliard of Alabama. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
Other critics, such as Representative Dave Obey, of Wisconsin, contend that AIPAC primarily reflects the right-wing Likud's positions, rather than representing those of left-wing Israeli political parties, such as the Labor Party``

Interestingly, it is Obey, the consistent anti-war congressman, who Tina Richards chose to focus her videotaped ambush on, with nonsensical questions about Obey`s opinion of her sons `poetry`, that any reasonable, rational, competent person, LET ALONE LOBBYIST, would not suspect to elicit much interest in the halls of congress, let alone be of much interest to anyone outside of a BEATNIK COFFEEHOUSE.

Why is it that Tina Richards the self-proclaimed stop-the-war-now-at-any-cost, supposed grass roots lobbyist would want to smear the public reputation of Obey by releasing such a tape, when he is on a short list of maybe a dozen current members of congress, IN BOTH PARTIES, who has stood up to AIPAC, AND THE WAR, nearly alone and at his own risk??

If Tina Richards is not herself a Neocon Plant, why is it that she has asked Mr. Obey to do the impossible, force others to vote as he would wish them to, when with the exception of Obey himself, nearly all have taken AIPAC`s money? She know well that he cant force courage on others, when he alone has exhibited it.

If Tina Richards wants to do what she claims to want to accomplish, then why does she not focus her time on the real villains? Lets see Tina use her mouthpiece and ambush video to go after AIPAC, JINSA, AEI, PNAC,...there will be consequences of course. She would falsely be branded an anti-Semite, lose some support,... facing the REAL enemy is hard after all!

But, she would inform comatose americans, AND give political cover to good politicians like Obey to allow them to stand up effectively against the chickenhawk lobbies. They need to run for re-election, she doesn't. Show some real courage Tina, stand up against the real enemies if your anti-war stance isn't an act. Attacking those who are really alone doing the fighting and risking their own reputations isn't going to stop any war, BUT ITS MAKING THE NEOCONS REAL HAPPY....maybe that's what she really wants?

[upcoming piece...Sean Hannity LOVES Tina Richards Video! till next time-]

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